Posted on 11/11/2020 by Mike Spellman

As highlighted in our Hybrid blog post, Paul’s Automotive specializes in hybrid and electric vehicles too, complete with specialized hybrid performance checks and services. One aspect of hybrid maintenance that is getting increased attention is the catalytic converter (cat) theft.
How do you know if someone stole your cat? The sound of a hybrid vehicle with a stolen cat is unmistakable: the modest Prius will roar and rattle like a diesel truck. Unfortunately, theft is on the rise. At Paul’s we used to see a hybrid with a stolen cat about once a month, now we see them about once a week. The cat contains the precious metals of palladium, platinum, and rhodium. These metals are sold as scrap for hundreds to thousands of dollars and hybrid cats contain higher amounts of these metals. Depending on the make and model of your vehicle, buying and installing a new catalytic converter could cost anywhere between $2,500-$5,000. If you park your hybrid regularly on the Midtown or Downtown streets, we HIGHLY recommend you check with your insurance company to see if your coverage includes stolen catalytic converters. If not, we recommend adding the extra coverage.
The good news is that there is something you can do to help protect your hybrid catalytic converter from theft. Paul’s offers different catalytic converter protection devices to prevent catalytic converter theft, including installation of protection cages, bars, and plates. These devices deter thieves because they are challenging to cut, even with power tools. Check with your insurance carrier too as they may pay for this service! If you are interested in learning more, please talk to us. Let Paul’s Automotive help protect your hybrid from catalytic converter theft!